by Robin White
I met Diane Seekamp this past Friday in Delray Beach at the Arts Arena Gallery. She was helping her daughter lug around several heavy pieces of art from the car to the gallery. She was dressed in the latest fashion and I thought, this is a vibrant, lovely lady! And how sweet she is to help her daughter. Somehow we got on the subject of health and diet, and she mentioned she had just had open heart surgery in March. "Wow", I said "you look good." Then she said, "yeah and I am 81". That's when I knew we had to bring her to the attention of our readers!
People often think what Tom and I preach about is science fiction. Then, when I meet people who are so vibrant and healthy, both physically and mentally...I feel we need to highlight them, so people know...THIS IS POSSIBLE!
Diane said she feels like she is really more like 40. And she moves and talks and looks like it too. This makes me realize even more how important your body image really is to your overall health. YOUR BODY WILL OBEY WHATEVER YOUR MIND TELLS IT. So, if you adjust your mind to say "I feel young, I feel active, I feel flexible... you will be!
Diane, you are an inspiration to us all! Keep shining.
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